Saturday, April 19, 2008

Arbit Stuff

1) Why the hell is Orkut trying to become another Facebook? The one reason I stay away from Facebook is its bells and whistles. Too confusing, I say. Call me a techphobe or worse, Facebook sux, period. Also, getting mail notification from Facebook informing me that DB wants to have sex with me is slisha frightening and disturbing, to say the least.* Facebook does that to you.
2) Going to a BSchool has not changed my tastes and preferences. I am still the same countrax middle class guy who loves piping hot Milaga Bajji on Besantnagar Beach deep inside. So, I continue to prefer watching flicks at local "tent kottagai" level theaters to going to multiplexes. I still consider paying Rs. 300 for a flick ticket to be a crime when I get to watch the same B-Grader for 30 bucks. If that makes me a cheapo, so be it. K wonly.
3) While on the topic, I still consider spending 1500 bucks on a goddamn shirt a crime. Just step out of the mall mon ami, you will see the unshirted millions. I am sure you will get a equally good shirt for 1/3 of that amount. You may want to donate the rest to some worthy cause.
4) And yes, I still love obscure "kutthu" tam film songs with off colour lyrics. A good example of this is attached herewith for your kind reference - . I just went to an educational institution, had fun for two years, made some awesome friends and did some studies on the side. While the place does change you, it certainly doesnt make you develop a sudden liking for all things "psued".

* - No offense meant to DB, but junta who know DB would agree whole heartedly with me.
p.s. - Junta who have been in Chennai for a reasonable period of time would be able to understand the Tam terms used here. Others can just google the terms.

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