Monday, April 04, 2005

Rain and some other stuff

It rained today. So what u may ask …. It rained for the first time in the month of April in more than 250 years… I am getting really good at making up stuff like this!! Fact is that we have been in the grip of almost a heat wave (almost as we, chennaites call a heat wave a heat wave only when the temperature touches 40 celsius ..with temperature stubbornly hovering in the 39 mark …. This falls in the almost a heat wave category.) for the last 10 days. In fact 5 died (2 dogs and 3 cats) when it rained … no not because of the rain but because of the shock of it raining.

Another thing that struck me as very strange was the obsession of the western media with the life/death of one single woman. …. Terri Schiavo. I don’t intend to provoke by going into the rights and wrongs and god knows what else of the whole thing …. The media has done an admirable and hard to replicate job in that respect. What I found rather strange was … why the hullabaloo over a single human life and an invalid one at that. I mean, in India we have people dying lrc and guess what …. We don’t give a damn. We have perfectly healthy men, women and children reaching their maker everyday due to every thing from derailed trains to unseasonal rains to drains left open. And do we give a damn …. Nope. This could mean either –
1) The lives of perfectly healthy individuals are much more expendable than an invalid person, just because the former were born in a third world country.
2) We have become so inured to the daily tales of death and injury that we have stopped valuing human life.

Both of the above are too terrible to contemplate.

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