Monday, August 14, 2006

Its been quite a while.....

A month and 21 days since I landed in IIMB. Lots of factors contributed to me not posting -
  1. Acad and other pressures in IIMB
  2. Govt's rather pig headed move to bar access to blogspot
  3. Laziness on my part, that prevented me from going to other proxy sites

Hope to start posting more frequently. May be, if my writing skills improve sufficiently, I could even publish this crap that I dish out as a desi "Snapshgots from Hell" or better enter into a tie up with the Rapidex folks and publish a " Learn how to get into IIMB and survive in 30 days"

Have to get going.... but all I can say is this - Getting in was the easy part, the "fun" has just started :)

1 comment:

VIZAG - Youth For Equality said...

True said man!! the fun must hav jus started...