Friday, May 12, 2006


This blog was long overdue. A thank u note to (PG).

If I am in IIM-B today, its because of PG. Sure, I did put in some serious effort, but it was PG which guided me through out. Right from sustaining me through the mock cat debacles to telling me that IIMB results page was behaving funny, it was PG all the way. More than anything I owe 1 great freind to PG - Opiate. But for PG, I might have never met such a wonderful person.

PG showed me that it actually was possible to believe people who you may have never seen before and may never even see ever. In some ways PG operates on trusting the inherent goodness in each and everyone of us, and surprisingly it worked most of the time. Given my rather caustic attitude towards life in general and human behaviour in particular, this was a pleasant surprise.

So a big "Thank u" to PG, to all the people who make PG such a great place and to Alwin ... the guy who built it all. Hope to remain a part of this community and give back in whatever way I can.


VIZAG - Youth For Equality said...

PG roxx.. and congrats 2 u...

Haresh said...

I can't tell how much it has helped me.

Haresh said...

'it' in my last comment refers to PG.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blogpost! I am so glad we could be a part of your success! Have fun at bschool :)